Are you a beginner in Twitter world? or are you twittering without any knowledge about social networking? or maybe you’re a Twitter expert?
In any case, I’m going to show you some the websites that I find very useful to know and check in order to have very useful tips, information and data about social trends in general, and your personal social profile as well.
For those who want to know more about which are the most popular tweets or the most linked tweets, well, the following websites are a must to check:
– ‘Trendsmap’: this website gives you real-time data, or better, mappings, about trendy Twitter topics, searching them by locations;
– ‘What the Trend’ : it’s a website that could help you having information about worldwide web contents trends;
– ‘Tweetmeme’ : this website tells you about the ‘hottest links’ on Twitter, so the contents that are most linked and retweeted;
– ‘Ellerdale’ : it’s a Twitter Profile that uses semantic in order to organize tweets, web pages and feeds. BAove all, it is useful to know which are the most popular tweets and most talked about ones.
Finally, if you want to check your social profiles, or your company’s social profiles, take a look at and start your researches!
If you want to know more about Social Networking, just read more articles in Social Media Tips category!
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