contents sharing

Keywords & how worthy they are

Today we're going to talk about a nice and quite good tool...or maybe....the best one I know, to check how worthy are Keywords in a text. For those who are really interested in SEO and, in particular, in the on-page optimization, well, it is necessary to check KWs density, KWs proximity, but first of all: [...]

New Free Websites

Here you are new 1 Minute Site websites... users are increasing! Great choice 1 Minute Site. trace-india pacificdoller mylovehp ingrajarts LEO-SAM-JAMES kdadvani ActionArt aai-friendsheart wkcenterprises1 vikram vijayprasad shivam-gupt NHMSCOMMUINCATION hitech-gadgets hify-gadgets Games-now-com Friendsbooapp cmkiran amitiscool airtel gulshanchamoli friends-company

Web pages or commercials? How to get confused

Yes...web contents writing is one of the most important activity for web users. But while before web pages appeared in very poor colors and grey backgrounds, now they look like TV commercials, full of colors, images, dynamic settings and texts..just to help people to get confused. If you are a web content writer for a [...]

(Copy)Writing short or long? The best is…

First thing to think about is the Headline. First aim for a copy is to catch readers attention... and the headline starts the race...and it must include the 'promise' for the readers. It is generally said the brevity helps, because brevity means also easiness, concision, so writers can be better understood by readers. But there [...]

List of last Free Websites..have a look!

Here you are Last Free Websites created by choosing 1 Minute Site as the Website Builder Platform. For sure... they are for Free! animator tuttigiuperterra onlineind octman number1news Nishant-vewold manishbbk2 rajdip--1minutesite-co-uk- northeastindia ELAMPUYALKPBHARATHI

Last Free Websites!

Even more people are choosing 1 Minute Site to create their own shop window or their company's one! This is very important to us because it is like a validation of the work done by 1 Minute Site team. Great satisfaction! 1 Minute Site is really proud of all the websites creations that are developing: [...]

Last Free Website!

Here you are a little post on one of 1 Minute Site Free websites...the last one!   1 Minute Site has been chosen by Coorg Coffee Flower Resort to build their online profile. Coorg Resort is a popular destination in Karnakata, India. It is located in a total immersive natural place, among coffee plantations, waterfalls, [...]

Your 1 Minute Site last creations…

1 Minute Site is spreading all around the world! Even more users, companies and professionals are choosing to create their websites with 1 Minute Site. Here you are your last Free websites created with 1 Minute Site: coorgresort pankaj-sapkota Rajkumar leanet-co-in dansheppard mdharu parmeshwar BrandiJoNewman eliot319 estel26 jointhesky principe71 sasaprova vitto1986 jane-athron dinhphong gobuckeyes Graduate-academy [...]

How can my website show up on Google? Tips for you

Have you just published your website but you still can’t find it on search engine results? Don’t worry, it’s just a question of time! Probably, it won’t be easy to be in the search engines’ first-page results (maybe you’ll need our SEO specialists’ team), but you can get Google become aware of your site. How [...]

How to add Kreative Contents

Are you searching for new topics and write interesting web article and contents? Would you like to join a lot of users and fans by adding something creative to your website or blog? The web provides users with many social blogs, social community, online magazines and forums that could open your mind and let you [...]

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