Keywords & how worthy they are

Today we’re going to talk about a nice and quite good tool…or maybe….the best one I know, to check how worthy are Keywords in a text.

For those who are really interested in SEO and, in particular, in the on-page optimization, well, it is necessary to check KWs density, KWs proximity, but first of all: just Keywords.

Let’s go define what KWs Density is: it is the relation (%) of a keyword to the other words in a web page element. And now, what KWs Proximity is: it refers to the closeness between the keywords; the closer the they are, the better.

In a few words, in the majority of cases it is better to avoid any kind of conjunctions, because very often, users type just the main words they’re searching for, not the whole sentence.

You’d better to repeat the same keywords at the same distance in the title, description, h1 tag, links and contents.

After, the most important thing refers to the content you write: besides being an interesting and well-written text, you’d better to analyse it with technical tools before publishing it.

Here you are some tools to use:, to check how are the actual keywords of your contents;

live-keyword-analysis, obviously, to analyse your KWs;

These are just some suggestions….Take a look at them!

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