Positioning on search engines: social network effects.

Many times we have talked about how social networks are important for the positioning, or better, to improve the positioning of a website in the major search engines.

However, we have never have the chance to analyse precise data that would have been useful to understand, and above all, to measure the effect of social networking activities on the search engine positioning.

For this reason, today we will show you the data analysed by TastyPlacement, a Seo Company from Texas who conducted a very interesting research whose aim was to measure the effectiveness of this kind of activities.


The research started with the creation of 6 different websites for six different cities of US, but all focused on the same topic. Each domain was composed of the name of each city and a particular home service (e.g.: www.City-Home-Service.com). For the following ten months, they have been evaluating the first results regarding the relationship between social media activities and search engine positioning. In fact, each website has been ‘promoted’ through a different platform, by using social networks and connections between friends and colleagues. Subsequently, they have been trying to measure the websites’ position in Google, considering a determined group of sentences.

Infographic authored by

TastyPlacement, a web design and SEO company, To view the original post, see the original Social Media Infographic.


Let’s analyse the results:

–       One website has been promoted through the social relationship developed by Google+, which added about 100 followers to the ‘fan’ page. These kind of activity allowed the website to gain 14,63 positions in the Google search results.

–       The second website, instead, has been promoted through a series of activities which got about 300 votes (+1), so that the website gained 9,44 positions.

–       The third one has been promoted by Facebook social connections. Results were about 70 shares and 50 new fans on the Fan Page. Instead, as regards the positioning, the website got higher for 6,9 positions.

–       Moreover, for the fourth website, the strategy was to improve activities on Twitter, that were mostly based on tweeting and re-tweeting (activities that were generally done by the same company) and linked to their site. The result? An improvement of 2,88 positions in the SERP.

–       For the fifth website, it has been created a Twitter profile that was linked to the website. Followers went up to become 1000, but there was a loss of 1,22 Google positions.

–       Finally, for the sixth website, it has been decided not to start any social networks activity, and well, website lost about 0,11 positions in Google.

The research brought out that social networks activities allow you to get a higher position in Google SERP, and, obviously, above all if they are done through its social networking platform.

So, if you want your website to be popular…how about starting from Facebook or Google+ Fan Pages?

Sources: Tasty Placement, the Italian Blog ‘Tagliaerbe

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