
Odrowąż 24 – integration of local communities in Poland

Odrowąż 24 www.odrowaz24.pl is local service that aims to integrate the inhabitants of Szydłowiec, Konecki, Opoczno, Przysucha and Skarżysko districts in Poland. These counties were the part of the Kielce voivodeship until 1975. When selecting the name of the website the team of professionals tried to find something that all the districts had in common [...]

Guerrilla Mktg in a dynamic content – how to write it

Taking for granted that all those who are reading this post know the meaning of 'Guerrilla marketing', here you can find a reference to one of the best contemporary street writer artist - Banksy - (for further info and news please check this site: Artsy) plus one of the best idea I've ever read about, by [...]

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